Thursday, 23 August 2012


Matchmaker and Marriage

A matchmaker was telling to a young but poor man,

"There is a beautiful elderly lady who is widowed who owns a fortune and is looking for a young man to marry. She is gentle and also has a twenty year old daughter."

The man said,
"I would rather marry the daughter in that case".

The matchmaker replied,
"But if you marry the daughter, you will get an irritating and ugly old hag for a mother-in-law".
Picture resource:

Crying Kid

A kid was crying sitting outside his house. A passer by asked:
Why are you crying?
Kid: My parents are fighting inside the house.
Passer By: Who is your dad?
Kid: That is what the fight is about.

Hilarious Office Joke
Employee to boss:
My wife wants me to take a holiday tomorrow since the attic, the garage and the garden has to be cleaned.

Boss: Sorry I cannot give you a holiday tomorrow.

Employee: Thanks boss, I knew you would help me.


I think that I would like to leave a mark or footprint somewhere in this world and I am starting to ask myself the question more and more, “Where will it be?” Being famous is a good thing, or is it?

You hit the charts with a bullet. You're on tour. Your video is one of the most requested on TV. Your film is number one. Your TV show is a hit. You're one of the most admired sports personalities in the world. Thousands of fans admire and adore you. You should be happy. You should be ecstatic….You have success, but is this race cut out for you. Can you handle the journey?  

People who have loads of money and fame are contrary to what we think always worried whether they are going to loose it and when. So this constant fear drives them.  They become stressed, frazzled and exhausted with this race and turn to drugs, alcohol etc. Maybe not all of them but many of them.

So do I want to be famous, yes, but I want to be comfortable in that what I have contributed is what I was born to do, not to compete to stay on the top.

The search is on!

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