Thursday, 17 May 2012


The average mind has about 60,000 thoughts a day and most of us believe about 99 percent of what we think, said by most psychologists. Some of our thoughts are products of our upbringing and the culture in which we live. Others are the product of our mind synthesizing observations into our own brilliant deductions about the world. Our thoughts help us make sense of our world and our life, and so it is only logical that we hold our thoughts to be the truth. They become our beliefs.

This, however, is where we can get into trouble. We cling to beliefs that may no longer serve us. How many of us know for certain that we are not good at art, sports, or math? Most of us didn't leave primary school without having gotten some negative feedback in at least one of these three areas.

What beliefs are you harbouring that may be keeping your life stuck? What things do you think you could never do? What things shouldn't be the way they are? Who would be very upset if you were to follow your heart? It might be time to examine your belief system and see what thoughts are holding you back.

I refuse to be dictated to by my feelings; it seems to leave me in the same place every time. I want to break out of this mould. Fear (False evidence appearing real) keeps our feelings intact with a behaviour that does not bring desirable results.

Who will join me on this quest ? 
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