When I looked at the question what motivated me, I had to
really think of an answer. I am on a road of discovery, I hear my critics
saying at this age of your life? Well the answer is yes at this stage of my
According to Stephen R. Covey, motivation is both the
desire and willingness to do something. It's what gets you started and keeps
you going. "Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to
light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.
Most of us are looking for things that will not last or
maybe it’s just me.
Napoleon Hill said that desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
Most people are motivated either by the avoidance of pain or the pursuit of pleasure. In my experience the most common motivation seems to be the avoidance of pain. I do not like disruption in my life.
Napoleon Hill said that desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
Most people are motivated either by the avoidance of pain or the pursuit of pleasure. In my experience the most common motivation seems to be the avoidance of pain. I do not like disruption in my life.
I'm surprised by how many people are motivated by fear. Fear of being alone, fear of what people might think, fear of failing, etc. Fear can be destructive, yet it can be harnessed and targeted towards a good end. If fear motivates you, use it to create the motivation that will allow you to achieve your goals.
A passionate desire for something pleasurable, coupled with the avoidance of pain creates the strongest motivation. The best way you can motivate yourself is to set inspiring worthy goals. You are most likely to stay motivated if you have plenty of good reasons to accomplish your goals and are mindful of the consequences of failure.
One thing that helps to motivate me is to have deadlines. I usually have a few projects on the go, when I finish something on time and do it well it spurs me on to repeat my success.
Success motivates me. I love a challenge and proving that I can do something that someone else thinks is beyond me.
I have come to realize that I need to look beyond me, to the one that created me to find continuous motivation as the above things are all temporal, yes helpful.

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