Tuesday, 6 October 2015


So when I got the invitation to do the Devon Valley Detour, I searched the map and could only find the Devon Valley Hotel. Finding information on the valley seems near impossible. My life saver on the morning was the GPS system that guided us to the hotel which was our first stop.

As you turn from the main road into Devon Valley Street, it almost feels that you have entered a rural valley, tranquil, serene and these vineyards surrounding you.  We arrived at the hotel and were greeted by staff who directed us to sit in the lounge area. I needed assistance with @warriorwheels as he needed to grab something to eat, but the staff came to my aid and sorted us out. Well done!

A quick coffee to start the day and we left with Devon Valley transport to our first stop which was Stellenbrau, where we would do the craft beer tasting. I believe that craft beer is taking our world by storm and should be watch as a big contender. Their beers are made of the finest barley and for those fearing that you will develop love-handles, no fear as these beers are low in kilojoules it was told to us. My suggestion, try a few and if it does build a waistline, don’t blame me, I am the recipient of the information. Speak to the man who will change craft beer forever. 

The tour takes you along a path of what the entire process is about and if you are a lover of beer or just for information sake, this is worth your while, the taste even better.

 So we tasted, four, i.e. Craven Craft Lager( this beer has a hop bitterness to it with a rich malt taste) , Alumni Ale( this has a strawberry, plum aroma with a bit of a sweet honey taste) Governer's Red Lager( I could taste the rooibos in this beer, yet still the malt that came through)  and Jonkers Weiss( if you like banana, then you are going to enjoy this one) . Let me just add that if you are going to do this tour, you need to have time on your hands. We were rushed as we had made appointments with the various establishments.

Our second stop took us to Middelvlei Wine Estate, belonging to the Momberg Family, who has a generational history of the place. It was buzzing that Saturday with activity as they had tables reserved for parties. Loved the attention to details that they gave each of us.


When we got seated at our table, right opposite the outdoor fireplace, you could smell the meat on the braai and the coffee aroma luring you. We sat down and each got a “potbrood” which is a bread roll done over the coals, served with a fish pâté. Thinking back, causes salivation.


The tapas are paired with Middelvlei Chardonnay, the second one which is a Biltong and cheese on bread made on the fire are paired with their Pinotage Merlot and their cocktail sosatie with a Free-run Pinotage.  

This is such a family friendly estate and kids will enjoy the animals on the farm. The dogs are so friendly and pet lovers will enjoy this kind of atmosphere. Again I want to emphasize time, as you want to just take in all that surrounds you.

The House of J.C. Le Roux was our next stop and as we entered the building where there was this buzz of excitement in the air. I discovered then that many people hire the venue to have functions, which can be private as well. 

The bubbly’s or Cap Classique and sparkling wines was amazing and coupled with the venue setting, this makes for a beautiful stop for any occasion.  

CLOS MALVERNE, which forms part of the detour, was unable to accommodate us as they had a prior group booking. Since we are at this point, let me take a detour. This tour has to be booked in advance and for each stop over you receive a voucher that has to be handed to the host. The cost is R230 and I think would make an excellent, party with a difference, outing, and year-end function or just to have fun and relax. Bookings can be made at: 021 865 2012 or info@sylvanvale.com www.devonvalleyhotel.com

Our final stop was at the Devon Valley Hotel a serene country setting with striking views over their own vineyards. 

 Within their restaurant there were canapés paired with SylvanVale wines. The latter name was given as the vineyards surround the historic Hotel. What a fantastic way to end off this tour and I felt that by body needed a detour to the bed.

For the price you pay, this is real value for money and getting my groups together to Take a sho’t left detour.  

Thanks to @winelands for arranging the tour. Follow @TravelingMedia for the next adventure and let me know @d7events , whether you are joining me on a detour. 

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