Friday, 17 February 2012


#SMED 12

I recently bumped into a friend of mine, not sure if I could call him that as we have not seen each other for years, since high school in fact.

It was great seeing him after so many years. We had great times together, visited each other’s homes, played together and had lots of fun.  When we completed grade 12, we just drifted apart and started taking different pathways.

At college I met new people; we became friends and started new lives. For the next three years bonds were formed. So much so, that when my mother passed on, they stood strong with me and walked a difficult road with me. Much time was spent together, studying, doing research and even holidays. We enjoyed cafeteria time, the laughter, prepping for exams, how I miss that time. Then when we reached the end of our diploma year, it felt that the same cycle repeated itself. The gap grew wider and we saw less of each other.

A new chapter started for each of us, some married, made first steps in our careers and even got married. The question I now ask myself is do we allow good friendships to drift apart and why? Maybe it relates to a saying that,“People come into one’s life for a reason, a season or a lifetime”. Could it be that those that were there for a season are now living in the shadows ?   

 Mario studied with me and now living in the shadow as a 'season'
Picture resource: Keith Edwards


  1. I tend to agree. Friends, acquaintances, girlfriends were in our lives for a season and reason. In order to grow/ mature.

  2. I agree with Niven. I've had many of those.. I've had a few close friends and we've just lost contact because life happened.. People change, priorities change and feelings change. It's sad when friendships / relationships come to an end, but it also teaches us to appreciate the moments we have everyday because it can change at any moment. Nice post Keith ! :) x
