are creatures of habit and think that there is only few ways of solving
challenges we face. Sometimes it just takes some creativity. Look at the
following and maybe the next time you face a Goliath think bigger than the box.
A principal of a school was alerted by
the caretaker to a persistent problem in the girls’ toilets. Some of the them
were leaving lipstick kisses on the mirrors. The caretaker had left notices on
the toilet walls asking for the practice to cease, but to no avail; every
evening the caretaker would wipe away the kisses and the next day lots more
kisses would be planted on the mirror.
had become a bit of a game. The principal usually took a creative approach to solving
problems and so the next day she asked a few girl representatives from each
class to meet with her in the toilet.
you for coming," said greeted the girls. She continued further by saying,
"You will see there are several lipstick kisses in the mirrors."
of the girls grinned at each other.
you will understand, modern lipstick is cleverly designed to stay on the lips,
and so the lipstick is not easy at all to clean from the mirrors. We have
therefore had to develop a special cleaning regime, and my hope is that when
you see the effort involved you will help spread the word that we'd all be
better off if those responsible for the kisses use tissue paper instead of the
mirrors in future.."
this point the caretaker stepped forward with a sponge squeegee, which he took
into one of the toilet cubicles, dipped into the toilet bowl, and then used to
clean one of the lipstick-covered mirrors.
caretaker smiled. The girls departed. And there were no more lipstick kisses on
the mirrors.
Picture resource: torok.com