There are
times in our lives when things are completely out of control and you feel lost
in the dark. It just seems that there is no way out and you cannot see the
light at the end of the tunnel. Have hope, can you hear the sound of one hand
clapping in the distance. It beckons you to the sound of hope.
Let people
help you, this is a lifeline that is extended to you, grab it. Sometimes you really can’t help
yourself. That’s when it’s time to rely on the kindness of your fellow man.
Find a friend, relative, therapist, counselor, co-worker, or anyone you trust
with your situation and ask them for help. Chances are they won’t say no, and
even if they did, you can just move on to someone else. People who love you and
care about you will help you if you tell them what’s wrong and ask for their
help. Even if they can’t offer much in the way of advice, sometimes just
telling someone about your situation is enough to lift you back towards the
light. You may also be able to find a support group full of people who have
conquered your problem and are there to support others seeking their way back
from the brink. Whatever you do, reach out. Don’t sit in the darkness alone;
follow the sound until you see the light.
Well written Keith. It could not have been said any better. Keep up this quality and style of writing.