I came across this while searching for a
document on our home pc and thought that I would like to share this with you.
Sometimes as parents we doubt whether we are doing the parental part right.
Clearly I am doing something correct and therefore so proud of my son, Nathaniel.
The following is an un-edited version of what he wrote.
When I grow up I want to be like my Dad, because
he’s so hard working and always puts his family first. He’s humble and never
thinks he’s better than others. He disciplines us and puts us on the right
path. He teachers us good manners and laughs at our jokes. He teachers my
sister and I well. My father puts food on the table and keeps our tummies full.
He speaks the same way to anyone, rich or poor. He’s kind, loving, caring and
takes us to hotels a lot. That’s why I want to be like my daddy. He’s always buying us stuff like toys,
sweets, candy and chips. He never
thinks about himself and lays next tome and prays with me. He kisses me and
says, “good night my son.”My dad treats my mom with dignity and respect and
buys her gifts and surprises her. He really loves her. These are the reasons
why I’d like to be like my DAD.
Picture resource: Keith Edwards
This is absolutely beautiful.