Last week I had such
a tough time at work, things were happening in my soul and I felt completely
lost in this world, overwhelmed. The week passed and I was at a point of
missing out on what each day was bringing me.
I then realised that
worrying is not going to add a day more to my life. I sought the peace that God
gives. Now hold on, I am not talking about being in a tight spot and now
grabbing my bible seeking solace, or pray, etc. No, I went to Him, spoke to Him
and then I was filled with a rest. We can get
so caught up with ourselves ...”my problems”...”my circumstances”, but there is
more to life than “us, me, I”
I stood back saw my
beautiful family and how blessed I am to have them as part of my life. I could use all my senses, smell a fart, it
feels so good or taste a piece of cake or just have a good laugh with friends.
Yes each day brings
with it its issues, but then each day brings with it the things we overlook. I
walked to the station, I did not limp. I saw people talking and I could engage
in the conversation. I had something to eat. These are the things we take for
granted. I am so glad that with each day there is also goodness to recognise
and I want to do that. Be grateful for what you have and stop moaning for what
you don’t have.
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