Wednesday, 31 October 2012


How many times have we thought about what we don't have rather than what we do have? Perhaps, you may think why should I be grateful when my life sucks or when things do not go my way? Consider that the Jews in concentration camps under Hitler who survived, who were not killed outright. Were they grateful that they were not killed, suffered, beaten bruised, yet survived.

We live in a country truly rich in its offerings and let's face it, we are free. We have so many liberties we can easily overlook and take for granted. Perhaps it is time to take stock in how fortunate we are to live in the land of the free.

We have food on our table, whether it is welfare, friends, our church, we have resources which will keep our children from starving. What if we lived in a hostile land where there are no options?

 Although some may be without medical-aid, yet there are hospitals. I hear you those conditions are appalling, but we have them. Unlike some countries where you are just left to die, perhaps even alone!
We have so much to be grateful for. Count your blessing

Picture resource: 

Yes I am grateful for this .

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