Tuesday, 16 October 2012


From an embryo to a baby to a toddler, people change. People change all the time, like a little boy who dreams of flying around the world, to actually flying a round the world while having a successful career. When people grow up their way of thinking change, like when they are little they think that the opposite sex is so irritating, but when they grow up they want to have the opposite sex around then all the time. When loved ones die, people change, they might have more responsibility or change their way of life.

As people grow up, they goals and dreams change, like wanting to be a ballerina, to wanting to be a doctor. Instead of wearing little pink dresses their whole life, people’s way of dressing change. A person’s style usually changes their personality too, like from being a little boy who loves to play outside, to a computer nerd who loves music and dresses like a dweeb, or from an A grade student to a punk-rock-hippie who spreads peace and love in the world.

A wild stripper might change when she gets pregnant. She will stay at home and love her baby, raising him right. An innocent little boy who dreamed of becoming a famous basketball player can give up on trying and become a drug dealer by day and a pimp by night. Peoples moods change everyday, they might be happy one moment and sad the next, because of circumstances.

When people become deaf or blind, it changes them forever, it might not change their personality but ut does change them. Serious diseases change people, like if you have cancer and have to go for chemo, you lose your hair. You never know how something so small like hair can change you, only when you lose it, will you discover how much it meant. Religion, what they value and what they believe in change, like from being a child who believes in whatever authority tells them to do, to one day having different values.

\When a woman or girl becomes pregnant their bodies change completely. From being skinny all their live to having thirty-kilos of weight added on. When people get married they change, because they have to compromise and change some of their ways. They can’t go out every weekend anymore, and they can’t live like they want to anymore. There are still many more reasons to mention why people change than what I’ve mentioned, but the reality is that as people we are constantly changing.

Change can however be either good or bad.
Written by Stephanie Edwards, truly inspirational

Picture resource: topnews.in

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